Bad Mood because of a Bad Day. Bad Day because of a goddamn stupid Exam today. Stupid Exam because it's a repeated history of Physics I paper last year. A repeated history because it's a bloody killer paper. Once again, i would like to emphasize that open book exam is equivalent to suicide. Simply no time no time to flip through the tons of notes brought into the exam hall and the questions were hell for the first part. Second part was rather do-able. The first part!! Comprises of a hell 50 marks! 4 questions for that part and i did not even complete one. Why, cause its all drawings and i couldnt see a damn thing out of the plan and elevation view. Even the sectional view im not quite sure about it, though for every question i refused to leave it blank so i drew construction lines and some shape out of it which i think was all crap. Well done professors. You guys have once again done it! Damn.
Now i can only hope that i dont flunk this paper, though this exam carries only 50% (the other 50% is CA - which i can safely say i have done well). BUT BUT BUT, the bloody professor again states clearly that if they see that your CA is very good but the exam is like shit, they will pull down the CA marks. What the hell. It's so unfair, cant people do well in CA but badly in exam??
Seriously scared will flunk this paper ahhhh! Even if dont flunk but got a C- or D+ also considered dying. : (
I can only pray for this sem. 6 goddamn papers, and all are like hell.