Actually i have nothing much to blog about but was requested by someone to do so.
I think some guys actually knew that last saturday, me, fm and weejia were supposed to attend this hip hop class at Studio Wu since we had this complimentary free pass. I was all so excited until the moment I reached Cityhall to meet the guys. Firstly, my attire was a complete no-no cause' I was wearing shorts. Weejia's attire even worse - AJ PE shorts (OMG). And fm wore until she's preparing to go shopping, although she did brought clothes to change. Hahhaa. As soon as we stepped into SMU, me and Weejia decided that we are not cut out for this and start to feel that we should back out. Fumin insist on going there to take a look and trying it out. Anyway to cut short, i realised fumin has grown to be much much braver than me and jia! She actually wanted to go in and try! Kudos.
Tommorow is finally the last day of EID. There will be an exhibition at Nanyang Auditorium tomorrow and professors, media and potential investors will be there to look at the products that are presented by the Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering School. Formal wear tomorrow, I cannot imagine how I will survive. High heels!! White collar long sleeve tee!! Skirt!! Goodnesssss! My heels is 3.5 inches high and the first time I wore it the balls of my feet hurts so much. But I love the heels loads and it's specially imported from Korea!