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This post is dedicated to my boyfriend. Yes my boyfriend. First time I am calling him as my boyfriend here.
I would like to express my sincerest gratitude over here to him. Really, throughout the whole of these 3 years, he has been there for me to give me all the support and help I needed. The advices that came from him meant a lot to me as I am one who is very indecisive and sometimes would need someone by my side to reassure me, give me opinions and their take on certain matters. He is a very straight foward guy who doesnt beat around the bush. He will give me a scolding when I am wrong or had behaved unreasonably because of my temper.
When I faced problems in school, be it academics or friends relationships, he is always there to listen to me and offer me valuable advices. Although most of them eventually fell to deaf ears, but at that point of time I felt that all I need is just someone by my side who listens to me. After some "lectures" from me, I felt much better.
When I told him I wanted to set up a blogshop business, his initial reaction was "That's good. Go ahead. But I will not help you. You will have to do it yourself." It was a support from him for my decision to set up my blogshop business. I felt really very touched because even my own family members does not support my decision. My brother told me that to dismiss this idea. My mother asked me not to do because I will not earn much from this. Despite all these, I still go ahead with what I like and want to do.
He then helped me alot along the way for my blogshop business. When I need a photographer, he borrowed a DSLR camera from his friend and even engaged another of his friend to be our photographer at a very minimal sum. Then, he spent weeks to create a program that can actually track and input all our customers' details, transactions and generating reports and invoices. He also did all the photoshop and clean-up of all the images. Even the design of the preview pictures was also designed by him.
When I do not have sufficient money for the stocks for my second collection, he told me not to let money get into our way and readily lent me the money I needed. In the end, he still helped me a lot.
Although we often quarrel over trivial stuffs, mostly because of my very bad temper, but in my heart I still think that he is a very good boyfriend. He will ask me if I have enough money to spend and constantly asked me if my bank account has enough money. He cares for me, but doesnt show it out much.
Sometimes, his attitude can be very fucked up too. But I havent experience that for quite a long time. He used to be very fucked up last time. :)
One bad point about him though: Ignoring me when he is busy with school or work. Never bother to reply my smses and when I call him, he will sound irritated and that's when quarrels started. Even if he reply, his reply is always a one letter word, mostly either a yes or no, which I totally hate.
Anyway, I know my temper is very bad. And a lot a lot of times I used a very irritating tone on him when he asked me stuffs nicely. I know and I will try to improve on that. I will also get a book to write down my schedule.
So here I have something to say to my boyfriend of 3 years and still going on, Rikki - It's been quite a long journey together. I never knew we could last through our university years. Along the way, we learnt alot about each other. I hope this will continue on. To me, you are a very good friend and a wonderful boyfriend. So, ditch the thought of "You can be a very good friend, but a very lousy boyfriend."
Very mushy right. Bet he must be puking in front of his laptop/blackberry right now. Hahaha but I dont care. I just want to say how I feel!! :)