This was the exact email I sent out in order to spite M. Every single remark was pointed directly at her, which I hope she knows. All the statements that she made towards me during our meeting yesterday was indirectly shooting at my quality of work. The attitude that she gave me was totally different from what she gave to the other 2 members in our group.
I kept quiet listening to her every sentence and remarks and trying to explain the reason why I input certain values but to no avail as all she said was "So everything is wrong. You have to re-do it.", when all I need to change was a few values which I efficiently did in 15 minutes. Given my temper, I could have banged the table and hurl vulgarities at her. But at the back of my head, I remembered dear's constant reminder that I have to keep cool and not show anger/emotions as that would have meant victory for the other party.
Hence, I went back to check through and analyse all my datas again and after I have done the final editing, I sent them this email.
Hi all,
Please refer to the attached file for the latest version of the report. I have updated all tables and figures, checked through for standardisation of terms used and edit a little of the cost analysis.
It will be good if everyone read through the whole report again to check through for standardisation of terms and if the need arises, do edit from this file if you spot any irregularities in terms. Please refrain from just acknowledging that there are irregularities but just leave it there and then inform me to do it. I believe it is everyone's responsibilities to check through and make this report a better one.
Another issue to clarify - I have re-read and analysed my parts on cost analysis and I do not see why "everything is wrong" and I have to re-do it. All the information I have written and included in the analysis makes logical sense to me so perhaps if anyone has any queries on my part, I would prefer that you asked me first before making a judgement that I have to re-do it. I am more than willing to explain in detail or even repeat what the lecturer has taught if this was not being paid attention to.
Also, there are some parts of the cost analysis that I did not include inside was because the Professor did mention that as there is a lack of time and the lecture notes have not been taught finish, hence it is not necessary to include in. I hope attention was being paid to what the Professor has said.
Project costs are based on estimation - also mentioned by Professor. This was not done in a haste but only after much calculations and research.
Marilyn did mention that there were no parts costs - I believe this is explicitly stated in Chapter 3 of the report. Please look through all diagrams and figures.
I believe this project has by far tested us on our knowledge, skills and patience. Exam is less than 10 days away and everyone is trying our best to finalise our report now and preparing for exams at the same time, which is the main reason why we gave each other deadlines so that we can have ample time to prepare for exams. Therefore it is important to realize that in a group project, everyone has to fulfill his/her responsibilities so that we are do not face this predicament as it is unjust to the other group members who had diligently tried to rush out the project so that they have ample time to study.
Thank you.
Yu Ling
I am eagerly waiting for her reply.