It came as a sudden realisation to me that one day, somehow or another, we will change. Be it to the better or to the worse, we will change. Everyone has to go through a this challenging phase in their lives. Whether or not you chose to accept it is your own perception on how you perceive things to be.
People will change for 2 reasons. 1) When they have undergone the most challenging task/obstacle in their lives. 2) When they realised they have no more reason to continue spurring on.
The results of these two reasons of change have two extreme effects on people. One, to cause the person to be stronger and face up to the reality of the world, or two, to lose all motivation and being a little crude here, that is to waste your life away without achieving anything.
I used to resign myself to my fate, and used to blame everything else including god when i fail in something i do. Each time i do that, the more i feel that i do not belong in this universe. I wasn't contented with what i have thus far. Finally, i harbour the thought of giving up.
Then, this person came along and he forced me to grow up. I wasnt used to his mature way of thinking and i made a lot of fuss about it. Slowly, i was influenced by his way of thinking, his way of building up his network for success in the future. I thought long and hard about the type of life i want to lead. I do not want to waste my life away. I do not want to stay put with only a few good friends around me, shopping and playing when im free. If i continue that way, i will never succeed in the future. I have so much more to learn.
Sometimes, in order to succeed, it's inevitable that something has to be given up.