Monday, December 21, 2009

A sad post..

忽然间, 我对我们的未来感到茫然. 是错噩感让我从所谓的梦境醒悟到, 原来我步入了错误的途径, 一开始就注定失败. 或许我应该放手, 但..曾经经历过的风风雨雨不是说放手就能放.. 我害怕这一切会失败. 怎么办, 我是应该勇敢向着白茫茫的未来继续走, 还是果断地做出一个了断...?

I am at a lost. Show me a future.. Show me we can. Tell me and assure me that all the worries that I am having are nothing, and that we can both work it out together, will you?

Sometimes you love something so much that it hurts to leave it, but you must. Sometimes it hurts too much to hold on to that thing you love. And sometimes you let go of what you love because it hurts, but then just sometimes... you get it back and live happily ever after.


