Wednesday, June 22, 2011

The Maya Calendar

I watched a documentary at boy's place a few week's back and thought I can share this. It is about the Maya Calendar.

The Maya's is an ancient civilization that that lived in the Mesoamerica's since 2600 BC. The Maya's had an extremely complicated method of keeping track of time, based on 3 separate calendars. The most important and encompassing of these calendars holds the "Long Count". And on the December 21st 2012, the Long Count expires. It will be point zero. Time will be up for the Universe. It will be literally the end of days.

There's a couple of very interesting but disturbing facts about the Maya Calendar's end. Most intriguing, 21st December 2012 is not a day like any other. Up in the sky, an extraordinary and incredibly rare event will take place. The Sun will move to a unique spot in the sky and hold still for a while. The Sun will sit precisely on the heavenly crossroads between the Milky Way and the galatic equinox, forming a perfect alignment with the centre of the galaxy.

The Maya's know a lot about stars. For instance, they calculated the exact duration of a year to a thousandth of a decimal point, much more precise than any Greek or enlightened philosopher ever did. Also, they were able to predict every solar and lunar elipse until this day. More disturbing, the Maya's were awfully good at Astrology too. Mysteriously, they predicted in what year their civilization would be overrun by foreigners, coming from over the seas. Legend has it that they even predicted the world wars. And now the Maya tells us that the world would end in 2012.

But the Maya's didnt really believe in endings. Their conception of time was circular, with every end being the beginning of something new. So 2012 shouldn't be an exception.

Well, what is your take on this? :)