Monday, May 23, 2011

NTU I Gave

So apparently this tele-marketeer from NTU called me for the 2nd time regarding a small donation to the school as we are graduating.

Tele-marketeer: Hi Ms Koh, this is calling from NTU. I am actually calling to ask if you are interested in doing a small part for the school, by contributing to I Gave. So by contributing you will get a free tee shirt and a badge. We are actually not interested in the amount of money gave, but more on the gesture. With this amount of money, we can actually help the poorer students and have more companies to partner with NTU to make it a better university. Yes so would you like to do a part too?

(I wasn't even given a chance to interrupt her because she was talking non-stop)

Me: No I don't think so.

Tele-marketeer: What about a small amount like say $10?

Me: Sorry no. I don't really feel attached to the school. Actually I am quite poor, why not you provide me a part of the money collected from I Gave since you mentioned it is for poorer students?

Tele-marketeer: (Long pause) Erm we can feedback this to the school.

Me: Okay please make sure you do. Do you need my matriculation number?

Tele-marketeer: Er no need I have your handphone number.

Me: Good. That's all. Bye.

I dont know what got over me to have this stupid conversation with this person. I guess it could be because I had so much hatred for this school.

Now I am not even sure if I am able to graduate. ˆ&%ˆ*&#*(ˆ&*(#&(